About Me

Welcome to my portfolio! I am Andrew, currently pursuing a Bachelor of ICT specialising in Software Development at ARA Canterbury. As I embark on my third year in July 2024, I am passionate about creating innovative software solutions and honing my skills in programming and technology.



Foundational knowledge of Java, learnt as part of my degree. I have made a model, view, and controller to make a Android Application.

Full Stack Development

Using full stack development, I have made several web applications and sites. I primarily use HTML, CSS, and PHP.


Foundational knowledge of JavaScript, learnt as part of my degree. I have made a mode, view, and controller to make a React Web App.


Experience with Python. It was the first language I learned, have used Matplotlib, Numpy, and TKinter libraries.


Have used AWS as part of web development. Have used primarily EC2 instances (Ubuntu) and Route 53.

Agile Methodoligies

Have been taught a range of Agile methodologies, such-as Scrum, Kanban, and Feature Driven Development.

Project Snapshots

Some examples of projects I have completed

Visitor Logging System

  • Able to create a unique user
  • Able to sign in after initial creation
  • Backend for a site administrator to view the records
  • Repository can be viewed here

Android Maze App

  • Created with Java
  • Simple design, working model
  • Feature Driven Development

Triathlon Web App

  • React web application with PWA features
  • Uses a JavaScript Model
  • Feature Driven Development