
For GovHack 2024 I was apart of a team to gather data and create a solution for that set or sets of data. We had a total of 47 hours to create this solution and submit it. GovHack is a New Zealand and Australia event.

For this event we took on two challenges. SolarZero, designing a tool to that allows for people to enter an address to find out how much they can save over the next 20-25 years. The other challenge was InfoSys, planning NZ’s electrical energy needs versus generation capacity. This challenge was looking through data sets and using AI to help make a plan of what needs to change in order for New Zealand’s electricity supply to keep up with the demand.

We utilised 10 datasets to help come up with our solution. It was a ViteJS based project as that fit our needs, utilising D3s charting library to make our charts and graphs. We made the calculator for the solar panels by using NIWA APIs and embedding a PHP page as a iFrame.